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Join the 2024 - 2025 
DCE PTO Executive Board

Are You interested in joining Durbin Creek Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (DCE PTO) Executive Board?


Do you think - “Hey! I want to help plan that!”?


Have you thought: “I have a great idea for our school!”?


Or do you just have time and want to help more?


We are looking for 2024-2025 DCE PTO Board Members for every level!


Apply to the Board at


Or help us Find Board Members by joining the Nomination Committee at 

Board Position Descriptions


The president shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the executive board. The president shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed in the DCE PTO by-laws, the Articles of Incorporation, and or assigned to him/her by the organization or by the executive board committee. The president shall coordinate the work of the officers and committees so the objectives of the DCE PTO for the year may be promoted.


 Vice President
The vice-president shall act as aid to the president and shall perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to serve. The vice-president shall assist the work and coordination of committees so the objectives of the DCE PTO for the year may be promoted.


Recording Secretary
The recording secretary shall keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes, take and record agenda and tally all votes and ballots. The secretaries also keep a copy of the minute’s book, by-laws, Articles of Incorporation, rules, membership lists and any other necessary supplies and brings them to meetings. The secretary shall assist the work and coordination of committees so the objectives of the DCE PTO for the year may be promoted.


Correspondence Secretary
The correspondence secretary shall handle correspondence, assist with the website, social media, issue ballots that go out to entire membership and assist in the notification of meetings to the membership. The secretaries also keep a copy of the minute’s book, by-laws, Articles of Incorporation, rules, membership lists and any other necessary supplies and brings them to meetings. The secretary shall assist the work and coordination of committees so the objectives of the DCE PTO for the year may be promoted.


The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. He/she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the executive board and make a full report at the end of the year. The treasurer will provide structured guidelines for all subcommittees to use relative to the collection and processing of any monies/transactions attained on behalf of the said subcommittee. The treasurer shall assist the work and coordination of committees so the objectives of the DCE PTO for the year may be promoted.


Fundraising Event Coordinator/Fundraising Treasurer
The Fundraising Event Coordinator/Treasurer works to create successful fundraising events to help secure funding for the organization and school with the purpose of supporting and improving the student body and school community. The fundraising treasurer will ensure all receipts and expenditures for the fundraisers are recorded by the Treasurer. They will provide a final report for each fundraiser at the following general meeting. The Fundraising Event Coordinator/Treasurer shall assist the work and coordination of committees so the objectives of the DCE PTO for the year may be promoted.


Partner in Learning Membership Coordinator
The Partner-In-Learning (PIL) Membership Coordinator works to create partnerships between the DCE PTO and local businesses with the purpose of supporting and improving the student body and school community. The Membership Coordinator is the lead resource for new and renewing PIL’s and keeps track of the membership benefits they have used. The PIL coordinators shall assist the work and coordination of committees so the objectives of the DCE PTO for the year may be promoted.


Partner in Learning Event Coordinator
The Partner-In-Learning (PIL) Event Coordinator works to create partnerships between the DCE PTO and local businesses with the purpose of supporting and improving the student body and school community. The Event Coordinator facilitates scheduling Spirit Night fundraisers to help support the school assists to keep track of the membership benefits they have used. The PIL coordinators shall assist the work and coordination of committees so the objectives of the DCE PTO for the year may be promoted.

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